Precinct Events

Apart from our annual Victorian Fete, the Victorian Precinct is also host to some incredible events throughout the year.

Thursday 30 May - Sunday 3 June 2024


Start planning your trip to Oamaru for the Steampunk NZ Festival 2024!​

Here's the first release of event information, creative challenges to prepare for, and some new experiences for 2024. 

Keep watching here for further details.​Tickets due to go on sale 5 April 2024.

 Full steam ahead splendid people!


14-17 NOVEMBER 2024

The Ōamaru Victorian Heritage Celebrations re-create the colour and atmosphere of 19th-century Ōamaru and Waitaki. The many 19th-century limestone buildings in the town and around the region are the setting for a range of events throughout the week including dances, traditional music, Victorian-style food, historical talks, a garden party, Victorian fashion, penny farthing races, concerts, and more.  

Ōamaru is home of the famous Harbour Street Victorian Precinct, with fascinating stories about how the town’s “boom-and-bust” ​history created these unique streetscapes.

Whether you are watching, participating or both, in street clothes, Victorian fashion, or your own style, the Ōamaru Victorian Heritage Celebrations offers something for everyone to enjoy.

This year's theme for our heritage celebrations is "Growing for Gold" In the 19th century, Ōamaru was - literally and figuratively - growing for gold. A gateway to the Otago goldfields, Ōamaru grew as a supply town for miners seeking ‘the colour’ that physically underpinned the gold standard supporting the British currency. Golden limestone was extracted from the ground, and used to build imposing banks that converted gold ore into credit for commerce worldwide. Farmers grew the golden grain that breweries made into liquid gold - beer and whisky - to fuel the increasing population. More ‘gold’ was added to the economy as overseas markets grew for wool and frozen meat produced here. Times may have changed, but that ‘gold’ is still there, in the magnificent buildings, businesses, and people, that make Ōamaru so iconic.


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